I've not posted anything in the last couple of days - it's just been crazy at The Office. Everything came due at one time.
I'll post in a little bit. Still trying to catch up on some stuff...
Friday, April 27, 2007
And another thing.........
Posted by AuntieB at 1:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: Rambling
Update on Jim
If you stopped by and saw my prayer request for Jim and prayed, called someone else to pray, or even thought about him, thank you.
I just got an email that said he came through surgery beautifully, and will make a complete recovery. They let him wake up enough to pray with his pastor.
Posted by AuntieB at 12:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: Prayer Requests
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Prayer Request
If anybody sees this post before Thursday morning, I have a favor to ask of you.
I have a friend. His name is Jim. He's having open heart surgery on Thursday morning at 8am EST. The doctors need to remove a portion of his aeorta (sp?) and replace it with a piece of plastic. It's not something that's done in our area, so he and his wife will be going to Cleveland Clinic.
If you will please pray for him it would be greatly appreciated.
Posted by AuntieB at 3:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: Prayer Requests
Monday, April 23, 2007
Oh, what fun!!!!
I attended a ladies meeting this past weekend with my mom and her best friend. It was fantastic and ohmyword, the stuff I could blog about.
Well, first of all, the women from the Hayden Baptist Church (right outside of Columbus, OH) did a wonderful job of hosting this meeting. The decorations were adorable. They made up arrangements of pink flowers and Hershey chocolates. What could be better?
The theme was "Taste and see that the Lord is good..." - and they couldn't have picked a better place to host this meeting than the Der Dutchman. Good old fashioned Amish cooking and baking. Yes, the Lord is good!!!!!!! They have the biggest doughnuts. They have these creme filled "long-johns" that are either topped with chocolate fudge or maple fudge. (Yes, I felt every word I just wrote go straight to my hips!) Then they had these cinnamon rolls that were as big around as your face! PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!!!!!!!
Well, all I have to say is that the music and the Word from the speaker were just fantastic! The girls from Beech Grove Baptist church in Knoxville, TN were the singers for the meeting and Kyla Rowland was the speaker.
Let me say right now that these women are a gift from God. They are anointed. They might tell you otherwise, but I'm tellin' you they are!
All I can say is that I'm glad these women are my friends, and yet, they are more than my friends - they are my sisters. And let me tell you - when this bunch of sisters get together with a whole lot of pasteries, you can never tell what will happen!!!!
Posted by AuntieB at 10:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: Women's Meetings
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Why I'm AuntieB, Part 2
I totally understand that most people think the way my pastor's wife and all those deacon's wives think.
Why wouldn't it work that when you're in service to God? And why wouldn't he bless your marriage with a house full of kids? Doesn't scripture say, "Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them." (Psalm 127:3-5a)?
Then why, oh why, is this happening to me?!?!? I don't understand.
There's a phrase that I've heard used about prayer requests - it's "labor in prayer". Like a woman labors having a child, that's the way we sometimes "labor" in prayer over some things. This was one of those things. Days and nights were spent weeping and crying out to God about us not having children because this happening to us wasn't fair. I've spent my whole life in church and involved myself in music and kids ministries.
Was God not happy with my service? Was I doing it half-hearted? I just didn't know what was wrong. And then, I heard Him. That's right. I heard Him speak to me as clear as you would speak to me. He said, "Why are you worried about this? I have the plan all laid out for you. If you will continue in your ministries and be obedient, you will see what I have planned for you. It's stuff you can't even imagine."
Well, that was all I needed to hear. I was done "laboring" over this. It was on to bigger and better things...
Posted by AuntieB at 3:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: I'm AuntieB
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
A Funny
"Some people are like slinkies. Not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs."
Some of y'all understand where I'm coming from with this one!!!
Posted by AuntieB at 3:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: Rambling
Why I'm AuntieB, Part 1
When I found out my sister was pregnant, I thought the world was going to stop.
See, I'd already been married for 5 years. And when you grow up in church under the watchful eyes of your pastor's wife and deacon's wives, you must understand the way the "older" generation thinks about the "natural order of progression".
Step one: get a good education. (Good idea.) Step two: find a "good christian man" to marry. (Yes, those are their exact words, and I agree with those.) Step three: get married. (That's the easy part.) Step four: have babies. (Sometimes it's not as easy as it sounds.) Step five: do some work in/for/at the church. (Despite how much you've got going on at the house.) Step six: grow old with your "good christian husband". (Ok. Whatever.) And step seven: die. (Graduation day! I like that!)
For the most part I can agree with this philosophy, but somewhere on some level, I disagree.
Background for this thought:
I heard a sermon from Chuck Swindoll about people, their ministries, and their families. He said that there are some people who remain single that will have the least "distractions" while serving God. I agree totally. Then, there are the people who are married and don't have kids - for whatever reason. The only "distraction" is the spouse and maybe the job. Otherwise, they can commit themselves more to God's work. I agree. Then, there are the people who are married and have kids. They have the most "distractions" but can commit some time to God's work - mainly because they have the spouse, job AND kids to attend to. This causes more time restraints than the other 2. I agree. Then, dear Mr. Swindoll said something that I'll never forget: "You people who have kids, get off those couples backs that don't have kids. Leave them alone! It's not God's will for everybody to get married and have kids!". And at that point in the sermon, the congregation laughed and took it in stride.
I could've reached through the radio and hugged that man. I'm married and don't have kids. Right now, we kinda think we can't have them. This totally upsets the whole philosophy from earlier - and there's nothing I can do about it.
Stay tuned for...........the rest of the story. Yup - just like Paul Harvey.
Posted by AuntieB at 1:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: I'm AuntieB
Monday, April 16, 2007
How the heart breaks...
While at work today, I heard about the horrific events unfolding at Virginia Tech.
My heart breaks for families that lost a member. My heart breaks for the people who have lost a friend. My heart breaks for the killer - that he thought this was the only way. My heart breaks that some people will blame God for letting this happen - while others will run to Him.
Almighty Father, help those families that are dealing with losing someone. I ask You to "go to where they are" in their grief, horror, shock, anger, or wherever. I ask You to "love on them not just a little, but a lot". I ask you to touch the hands that will be touching others - paramedics, firefighters, police, teachers, counselors, administrators. I ask you to be The Voice for those who will be dealing one-on-one with those who remain. I ask You to pour Your Spirit onto that campus - that people will run to You, cling to You, rest in You, give their hurts to You and allow You to apply the Balm of Gilead to their souls. I cry out to You on behalf of those who need You. Your mercy, grace, lovingkindness, peace, joy, comfort - anything that is needed You said in Your Word that You would supply it, and for that we offer thanks. Thank You for hearing Your children when they call upon Your Name. Amen.
Posted by AuntieB at 1:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: Prayer Requests
Friday, April 6, 2007
The Best Friday EVAH!!!!!
In my whole life, this has to be the best Friday ever. EVAH!!!!! I told you something about this in my last post, but I have some details that will help it all make sense.
The company I have been working for through a temp agency is putting me on their payroll next week!!!! So, this will be the last time I have to fax a time card on a Friday afternoon! You don't quite understand until you know the whole story.......
About 2-1/2 years ago I was working retail. While it had it's perks, I couldn't wear the clothes from said store. They were just a little too small. I needed the Lane Bryant down the hall. I finished my shift on Memorial Day (they paid time & 1/2 for what was worked plus a regular day - understand why I worked it?) and the next morning started work for a friend of mine.
You know the saying, "Never work for your family.", well, sometimes that applies to your friends as well. Especially this friend. She lived 45 minutes away (I worked in her home) and I was working 60 - 80 hours a week by Christmas of that year. No time for C at all! No thank you! Besides that, her live-in was getting mean. Exit stage right.
I spent 2 months unemployed. It was horrible. Mom kept telling me, "Go to the gym and work off the stress.". I did that - until I almost couldn't walk. I would work out and pray the whole time. Pray that God would give me a good job. One that I wouldn't hate going to work. That I didn't want to temp anywhere because temps never get hired. I almost went broke sending out resumes. I finally went to the temp agencies.
The first said, "It'll take a week or more to get you in to see someone. We'll call with your appointment time." Great. That's not what I wanted to hear at all. So, I went across the street to #2. She told me, "Let's see what I've got. (She punched around on her computer for a few seconds and turns back to me.) I have 'X' position at '$X' dollars an hour. Are you interested? If so, I'm going to send your resume right away." The response? "Sure." That was on Monday.
On Tuesday, the lady from #2 agency called. "Right after you left, I sent your resume over to 'X' company. They want to meet with you. How's tomorrow at 1:30? If so, I'll call her back and tell her you'll be coming." WOW! What just happened here? Is this for real? Is God doing one of those "The Truman Show" things with me? Cause that wouldn't be funny.
Wednesday: After a 2 hour interview, "When can you start?" My answer, "I don't have anything planned for the next 2-ish hours. Would you like me to start today?" Her answer, "Yes!"
One month shy of being there for2 years, I left. Why? Because they didn't want to hire me - yet, they didn't want to train anybody else. Does that make any sense?! I don't think so. I finished the week and the next Monday, I started at this wonderful place. It's hectic at times, but what job isn't? The people here don't speak to you all mean and hateful. They are very laid back - compared with the first place, but it was that way because the office manager was strung tighter than a guitar string. I thought she would "pop" a couple of days.
I'm going to be very happy here.
Thank you Lord. It's been a hard 2 years, but You had all this in store for me. I can't wait to find out what else there is...I know I have to "search with all my heart" to find out what those things are. That's ok. I trust you. More than I trust anything else. And thank you for what this weekend represents. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for You. I love You!
Posted by AuntieB at 3:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: Rambling
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Well, it's been a while. Just not had much time.
Ok, I've fallen off the saddle with the whole music thing, but I plan on starting that again. It's just been really, really busy at the house. Not much time for Mozart and Bach. They're just going to have to wait. I think they've got a while. You know they are both, well, dead. "Time is on my side, yes it is..." Thank you Slim Fast for that little nugget.
Work is going well. I've never said anything about work yet, but it's going well. It's taken a while for me to find the right "fit". I work for a temp service. I told God I didn't want to work for a temp service, but He had other plans. So, I've been temping for 2-ish years and now, I'M GETTING PUT ON PAYROLL!!!!! PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!!!!! (Can't you hear the "Hallelujah Chorus" playing in the background? Thought so.) Now I work for The Office. On a side note, it's nothing like the show.
C lost his job right before Thanksgiving. That was really hard. =( It made the holidays harder than what they already were. We were "paycheck to paycheck" kind of people before C got the can, so I wasn't sure how we were going to deal with this. The whole company closed. So, it wasn't just C. It was everybody. Well, C found himself the nicest little job - through a different temp service. He used to work as a warehouse manager - now he's in production. He told me last night that he was told the night before that they had already started a permanent file on him because of all the machines that he's being trained to work on. C was told that he was on the "fast track" to being hired on. YEAH!!!! (I'm so impressed with God! He makes me smile! =))
My mom called the other night. She asked, "Do you have a minute?" (She never asks that - it must be something serious.) She handed the phone to S (my niece, she's 4). Then I hear, "HI! AUNTIEB! MY WANT TO TALK TO YOU! CAN I?!" (I think she hangs out with Boomama's little boy) MANY! EXCLAMATION! POINTS! ARE! USED! DURING! THAT! DISCUSSION!!!!! Might I say, I was rivited the whole time.
And on a funny note, one of my coworkers had to make a bank run for the company the other day. He said that when the teller was counting the money back to him, (starting with the big #'s and working down to the ones) she got hung when she switched from 50's to 20's. She finally had to call in someone else to count the money. Do you think she might want to look for another job? Just kinda throwing that out there.
I think that clears some stuff out for right now. See ya!
Posted by AuntieB at 11:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: Rambling