Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Why I'm AuntieB, Part3

I know you feel like this is dragging out forever, but this has been a looooooong and paaaaaainful process.

Anyway, I sat with Sister and we talked for a loooong time about the baby. She knew she was having a girl - and that her name would be Savannah.

I will never forget the morning that Mom called. It was 7:50 am and I was an hour away from home (taking C to work - we had one car and burned up lots of gas with me working another 20 minutes from home in the other direction). I made it to the hospital with the hour.

By the time I got there, Sister was getting her epidural. I asked Mom how long they'd been there - since 3:something am?! This would be a long day.

Sister didn't do bad. Her water broke at the 3:something in the morning and by 8:30 she was getting her epidural - and by noon, we had a baby girl!!!!!

I got to feed her first. That was something I'll never forget. Despite what I thought - you'd never believe how strong the bond is that formed that beautiful November day.

That was 4 years ago. Now, I have a 4 year old girlfriend - AND SHE LOVES TO GO TO WALMART!!!! Good taste runs in the family! What can I say.