Thursday, August 2, 2007

They've found me!!!!!

Yes, they have! The kids from my youth group have found me - well, at least one of them. The comments from the last post are from one of my kids.

She's too funny!

We (me & C) have a joke with the girls in the group. "If you line them up, what do you get? A wind tunnel!!!" I hope they all know we're kidding. Sometimes they search for the answers to your question on the celing, but they're my girls.

I'm kinda like a momma bear with the kids in my youth group. I just love them like that. I hope they all know that. ;)


Mick Bright Kim said...


Smiliegirl said...

oh yes we know, and we also know that you have permission to give us a good bustin' once in a while haha. but was i not suppose to find you, i can see where now all the anonymity of blogging is gone. I can stop looking if you want :)

Smiliegirl said...

^^^^^That's it^^^^^^^^

Smiliegirl said...

thanks =) i was wayyy wayyy bored out of my mind last night and had nothing very interesting to post. so whats goin on today?

Smiliegirl said...

email set up? haha new to the blogging thing. Oh and Kelsey is back!!! i asked her about the trip, she said she deff wants to go and she just has to ask her mom.

Smiliegirl said...

haha i have an email address? safe to post it?

Smiliegirl said...

just checkin, i sent u an email did u get it??

Smiliegirl said...

well shoot i sent it h/o lemme send again.

Smiliegirl said...

ok i sent another one.. haha hopefully it gets there, i dunno whats up w/ my email.

Smiliegirl said...

not as much as i comment. Ok so do i need to do anything or invite anyone? kelsey can go. And again, i'm pumped for the penguins!!!!

Smiliegirl said...

Makes me nervous too. Well maybe a nervous excited. I think it will be fun, then again, i can find fun just about anywhere. But that's just how i roll ;) haha.
I think it's a workable project and could turn out pretty nice =).